Motion capture analysis meets advanced 3D muscle imaging for competitive insights into an athlete’s form and function.

Springbok Analytics, a first-to-market AI-driven muscle imaging software, and Reboot Motion, an innovative biomechanics platform for motion analysis, are teaming up to elevate player development and mitigation of injury risk in elite athletics. The combination of Springbok and Reboot technologies along with the expertise of their organizations makes for a powerful partnership focused on gathering deep insights into the body’s structure and movement.

Springbok’s technology rapidly transforms magnetic resonance images (MRI) into holistic, interactive 3D twins of an athlete’s exact musculature, enabling unparalleled precision medicine. By quantifying muscle volume, identifying muscle asymmetry, and detecting fat infiltration at the individual muscle level, Springbok delivers comprehensive musculoskeletal data on a user-friendly platform. Coaches can precisely target key muscles for performance and identify deficiencies with ease, making it easier to track progress and efficacy of a program. Trusted by the MLB, NFL, NBA, and elite collegiate teams, Springbok is an integral partner for high performance training, rehabilitation, and research.

Reboot Motion is the only company with a momentum-based biomechanics software to analyze an athlete's movement. Pioneering a new kind of player development platform, Reboot takes motion capture data, both marker and markerless, and produces actionable insights with expert reporting. Their science-driven approach leverages momentum as its primary measure, incorporating mass and direction into the equation–essential elements in sport performance. In essence, Reboot helps organizations help athletes move better.

Motion capture analysis reveals how an athlete moves and the forces associated with that movement. While this technology provides powerful insights for sports, existing analyses are limited without deeper knowledge of the athletes’ bodies. The unique combination of Reboot's expert biomechanical analysis and Springbok's ability to provide an inside look at an athlete's musculature allows teams to better understand how movement patterns relate to underlying structures.

“We are excited to partner with Jimmy Buffi and the Reboot team to offer a science-based approach for collectively understanding an athlete’s form and function. We aim to facilitate thoughtful decision-making in sport to offer our customers a new competitive edge,” says Scott Magargee, CEO of Springbok Analytics.

Reboot Motion CEO Jimmy Buffi added, “More data brings more insight. Reboot loves understanding “the how” and tying together movement data and outcomes. By working with Springbok, we can go even deeper and see what’s happening in the muscles. We always talk about giving coaches X-Ray vision. This partnership makes that a reality.”

This partnership will bring precise individualized performance metrics to elite sport at scale, providing new data that clubs can use to gain an edge against competitors in player development, drafting, free agency, and more.  

Reach out to learn how to partner with us to elevate your motion capture analysis.

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